Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Interviews and Learning


ART STILL HAS TRUTH TAKE REFUGE THERE are the words inscribed in the back entrance of the Saint Louis Art Museum. Since that entrance is adjacent to the sculpture garden, I find myself standing there and appreciating that very thought. The following are some highlights of my interview situations, which I believe to be excellent opportunities to explore self knowledge with regard to my habitual pursuit of art as TRUTH. 

I have completed service as Art Teacher for Confluence Academies Old North Campus this past 2023-2024 School Year. Now, in light of maximizing my Summer hiatus I've take the liberty to participate in a couple of art teacher interviews (University City Brittany Woods Middle School 5/28, and Hazelwood's Northwest Middle School on July 8, 2024). Both meetings were taken as I feel compelled to get some other reference points on teaching art in a Middle School. Both meetings were in response to the schools contacting me after noting my certification/qualifications on the MOREAP website. 

I am a frequent visitor to the Saint Louis Art Museum. Bill Sitzer is a respected veteran of their docent corps. He encouraged me to throw my hat in the ring at they gear up for the first new crop of docents since 2014. So I arranged to meet Karla Aguilar, the director of customer engagement and two others (Monica the docent coordinator and her co chair) on July 5th. (I was able to again visit the Andy Goldsworthy Stone Sea up close and personal that very afternoon).

Next week I will be meeting a collection of colleagues from Old North at the Missouri History Museum. The meeting is social but includes staffers who will or will NOT be returning to Old North. 

The following is a collection of some of my learning from three art related meetings:

It's a small world - I bumped into a former colleague form Westview Middle School (a 6th grade teacher) at Brittany Woods. The meeting was with a 6th grade principal and the Arts coordinator. 

Planning might work with some coordination - Hindsight is 20/20. I wish I had been more questioning about how that coordination of curriculum happens. I have no idea how buttoned up the Arts program will be at Brittany Woods.

Principal is your PAL - I truly enjoyed the pleasant meeting with the brand new principal, Ms. Twana Moore. She admits to learning a new set of state expectations - coming from Nashville, TN and Fort Worth, TX. She's looking for TWO art teachers. The school has over 800 students (6th, 7th, 8th graders). She was kind enough to show me two art classrooms and advise me that they also have access to a kiln foe ceramics (somewhere in the building). 

Art is part of an academic puzzle - I shared with Principal Moore that Old North had 5 different art teachers the year before I arrived. She's faced with filling two such positions. 

The Saint Louis Art Museum is an amazing place - they are taking steps to be relevant and attract members of the community. It remains to be seen how they will marshal this new band of docents. Clearly the exhibitions have been tailored for education and engagement. 



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